The therapeutic benefits of writing have been documented for years. We used to write paper letters and greeting cards. We used to keep journals and diaries as kids and divulge our deepest thoughts and emotion. Not necessarily to share but often just to get our feelings out on paper.
Songwriters are testament to expressing emotions…
We seem to document our thoughts and feelings more at times of heightened emotion. When we are feeling elated, sad or even scared.
When faced with a life changing diagnosis of any kind, a whole series of emotions rush to the surface.
Often we are able to express them, at other times we feel that we are being a burden to others and keep them wrapped up inside.
Things become crystal clear…
The one key characteristic that seems to be common with all ages and all kinds of life changing situations is CLARITY OF THOUGHT.
People quickly come to realise what is important to them and what really matters in life. It’s a time of honest self-reflection and the harsh realisation that the future has greater uncertainty and limitations.

An idea was brought to life…
That’s why we developed it’s about us, a free digital scrapbook for anyone affected by cancer. A beautifully designed keepsake to communicate your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Making it easy to use is essential….
It’s also a time of anxiety and confusion. To help provide some structure and place to start we created a pre-designed 25-page template. Each page has a different thought starter and provides ideas on areas that you can write about.
We often find it hard to say the things we want to say directly to the people we care about. Putting the words in writing is sometimes an easier way to share what we are feeling.
It’s not easy to say how we feel…
It’s there in black and white, those who have made books believe that some of those special sentiments would never have otherwise been said. Partners, husbands, friends and family have written pages in the book and have been involved and contributed.
Giving thanks…
We’ve had books that have been done as a thank you gesture. A tribute to the doctors, nurses, friends and family who supported them through a difficult time.
Writing, journaling and digital scrapbooking can be a welcome distraction. A time to reminisce, to consider, to zone out and take your mind of things. Putting together memories and a pictorial reference of milestones and events, while confronting can often reinforce the wonderful good times that have happened.
Leaving a legacy…
Creating your own story can be done in your own time. It may take you a week, it may take you months to complete. But it is something you can start and come back to as often as you like.
It’s something we all should do. It’s a powerful and meaningful tool that can be used to help get through a trying period. You may never share it with anyone, but imagine what a gift it would be for your loved ones in years to come.
Explore & discover…
it’s about us is a not for profit charity. Books can be printed at a subsidised price. For more details go to
By: Jo Marx.