A Childhood Touched by Cancer

I still remember the moment my uncle was diagnosed with a brain tumour. I would have been around ten years old and I had honestly never heard the word cancer before. It sounded terrifying – largely because it was a whispered word between my parents … not something they ever said too loudly, but the look on their faces told me it was something they were afraid of. Perhaps this was the initial shaping of a young mind which lead me to become a nurse years later – that innate desire to help ‘make things better’ during stressful times.

With my background in nursing, I wanted to create something beautiful yet practical to help people going through cancer and the Care + Notes journal was the result. It had to be beautiful + feel luxurious because when you’re going through cancer, there is no place for anything less than this.  The deluxe navy linen cover feels soothing to the touch and the pages inside are categorised into tabs which makes it easy to find what you’re looking for, but also act as a reminder of what to keep notes on. It’s the perfect companion for someone going through cancer and can be embossed with their name. When someone you care for is first diagnosed and you want to help or give them something to tell them you’re thinking of them, this journal is perfect.  Read on for more detailed information about the journal and as always, please email us if we can help in any way.

Care + Notes is a journal designed for people who are going through a serious illness. It is a helper, an organiser, a planner and a place to record any details related to your illness.

Care + Notes, a journal by the grace files

When you are unwell with a chronic illness or perhaps going through chemotherapy, it is often hard to remember things – this is where Care + Notes becomes a helpful companion. When things are written down on loose pieces of paper, it is very easy to lose them which can add to the stress of being unwell.

By writing your medical information down in your Care + Notes journal, it not only keeps your information in one place, but it means you will never have to look for that lost piece of paper again.

It is a place to write down:

  • Important contact information from doctors to hospitals – all in one organised place
  • Your medications
  • Your treatment plan
  • Your symptoms
  • Questions for your doctor
  • Your thoughts and notes
  • Everything you need to remember during your illness.

As well as being a helpful companion for someone going through a serious illness, Care + Notes is also a beautiful journal because we believe that when you are unwell, you should be surrounded by things that bring a little more beauty into your life.